St. James's Quarter
St. James’s Market is a very traditional area, but unfortunately often neglected. Located directly on the edge of the city center, it is often rejected as simply an extension of the core. This doesn’t do it justice: St. James’s Quarter offers both historical and modern highlights with their own individual charm. In addition to the Weißer Turm (part of the former city wall), the Marriage Carousel honoring the Nuremberg poet Hans Sachs and the churches of St. Elisabeth and St. James, there are many highlights, especially in gastronomy and retail. In comparison to other neighborhoods in the city, there are fewer newcomers, but we don’t see that as a disadvantage. The stores, restaurants and other businesses in this neighborhood have often been here for generations. We’ll take you exploring at St. James’s Market and show you which real treasures are hidden here.
St. James's Quarter
